

Integrating Google Sign

Authenticate with a backend server 重點就是android code 要多一行 requestIdToken:


Best Java code snippets using$Builder.requestIdToken (Showing top 18 results out of 315).

Android Firebase Authentication with Google

2023年2月27日 — Take a look at how you can authenticate users in your Android app with Firebase authentication, using the Google Sign-In method.

Google sign in using the documentation as provided does ...

2021年10月21日 — you need to request an ID token when building your GoogleSignInOptions with requestIdToken() . Pass the aforementioned requestIdToken() method ...

why is requestIdToken returning null?

2015年12月5日 — As I have answered at the following question: Google Sign-In requestIdToken returns null. In order to request Id Token sucessfully, ...

Authenticate with a backend server

2022年11月4日 — Send the ID token to your server · When you configure Google Sign-in, call the requestIdToken method and pass it your server's web client ID.


2020年10月19日 — Specifies that an ID token for authenticated users is requested. Requesting an ID token requires that the server client ID be specified.

Authenticate with Google on Android

Enable Google as a sign-in method in the Firebase console: In the Firebase console, open the Auth section. On the Sign in method tab, enable the Google sign-in ...

What to use on GoogleSignInOptions, requestIdToken or ...

2018年11月5日 — I have implementing the Android Google authentication using google. ... With the ID token flow, you're only using Google Sign In to obtain the ...

Android Auth(2-2)Google 整合

2018年2月3日 — requestIdToken(getString(R.string.default_web_client_id)) .requestEmail() .build(); mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder ...